Then & Now – Painting Comparison

Hi again,

We’re all learning, and hopefully that leads to us all improving as artists. As a little challenge to myself I decided to repaint one of my earliest digital paintings, in order to take stock of where I am, to where I started – Kind of like an artist MOT. I chose the very first piece I uploaded to the internet in MAY 2012 which I believe was a test back then as well which seemed fitting.

You can see below the comparison between the two, taking the same time to do and using roughly the same tools. It’s a great thing to do & I recommend it to anyone like myself who are unsure if they are improving. You should see a steady improvement with each new piece of work you produce but it was interesting to see the contrast in images.



Brush Well – Sequential & Illustration Inspiration Blog – Coming Soon


Hi, I’ll be starting a new site soon; sharing Comic book & Digital art inspiration along with tips and resources I come across as I learn myself and crack into the industry. I’m hoping it will become a helpful resource for others starting out, or for people just interested in discovering new work and exciting new projects.

I hope everyone finds it a good read, I’ll keep you posted when to head over to for the launch.

In the meantime, happy drawing!

Ben Affleck Batman Concept


Batfleck!!! Costume Concept – Great way to finish my run of fan-art illustrations, had mucho fun with this one!

Lady Trouble – Painting practice

Happy New Year Everyone! let’s hope 2013 is an incredible year.

I have trouble painting females, for some reason my pieces start off very pretty then slowly turn a bit on the masculine side. So I set myself a task to create a few portrait pieces of real life women in order to learn and pick up some tips on creating female characters.

Here are two of the pieces I have created, don’t forget to check out my Deviantart page page for updated artwork and fresh new art.

First up is the gorgeous Linda Le, this was more speedy and I didn’t quite get the likeness right so I may come back to this one when I get a bit better:


This next piece I was quite happy with, if I would change anything it would probably be the background but that’s me just being picky I think:


This is of the awesome Charlotte Herbert (massive crush).

Thanks for taking a look and if you have any tips on painting women or on these pieces just leave me a comment down below.

Forward – Barack Obama Speed Paint


This speed paint was done on election night, I really got into the coverage but sadly couldn’t stay awake to see the end. Great result though.