Then & Now – Painting Comparison

Hi again,

We’re all learning, and hopefully that leads to us all improving as artists. As a little challenge to myself I decided to repaint one of my earliest digital paintings, in order to take stock of where I am, to where I started – Kind of like an artist MOT. I chose the very first piece I uploaded to the internet in MAY 2012 which I believe was a test back then as well which seemed fitting.

You can see below the comparison between the two, taking the same time to do and using roughly the same tools. It’s a great thing to do & I recommend it to anyone like myself who are unsure if they are improving. You should see a steady improvement with each new piece of work you produce but it was interesting to see the contrast in images.



Silver Surfer


The Marvel Herald himself riding giants – Digital Painting.

To see more digital painting from myself visit my portfolio HERE

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Fan Posters



Two fan made posters by myself for the upcoming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie. I can’t wait for this film!

If you haven’t already, visit my website for all my other Design & Illustration projects.

Hellboy “20 Years of Hellboy” Art Contest Piece

Hellboy piece for the “20 Years of Hellboy” Art Contest over at

Get Grimey – Great Free Photoshop Texture Brushes

Photoshop Brush sets


First time posting any resource files but I couldn’t not share these great brush packs I found today. Please note I do not own nor have I created any of the following brushes.


1. Free Subtle Brush Set

Great Brush pack for creating rough paper textures. Gives a fantastic pulp or sandpaper like feel.

2. Grimey Brushes

More of a stamp then the first set but perfect for masking off wear and tear.

3. Spray Splatter Brushes

Working with digital inks can produce sterile lineart at times, use these LARGE brushes to overlay some more traditional elements to your work.

Hope these are helpful, stay tuned for more freebies as I find them.